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Seeking Balance

Seeking Balance

Organization is not one size fits all. It's important to find a sustainable level of balance when setting up systems for your space. Too little or too much organization breeds less than desirable results. 

So often we confuse an organized space with a perfect space. The latter is inefficient, often ineffective, and far from what we should be striving for. Perfection slows you down, gets in your way, and striving for it can make you unhappy.

The images we are shown of "well-organized spaces" are often retail-store perfect and usually entirely uniform. The photos you see are "before" photos - that is, "before" people start to live in the space.  When it comes to organizing your home, being realistic is key.  Create systems that work for you, that make things easily accessible and easy to put back.  Know what you have and where it lives in your home and begin to feel the true physical and mental upside of organization. 

Balance is something we strive for in all facets of our lives, including within our homes. 


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